Everywhere the proposal met with uncompromising resistance.
In his treatise on Eternal and Immutable Morality his main aim is to maintain the 1 In spite of Hobbes's uncompromising egoism, there is a noticeable discrepancy between his theory of the ends that men naturally seek and his standard for determining their natural rights.
They need to bring in a specialist, someone fearless, uncompromising and utterly merciless in pursuit of the objective.
On the 15th of June the pope addressed to Cardinal Rampolla del Tindaro, secretary of state, a letter reiterating in uncompromising terms the papal claim to the temporal power, and at the end of July Cardinal Rampolla reformulated the same claim in a circular to the papal nuncios abroad.
Mithraism courted the favour of Roman paganism and combined monotheism with polytheism, while Christianity was uncompromising.