Exact Definition
exacted, exacts, exactest
Strictly and completely in accord with fact; not deviating from truth or reality.
An exact account; an exact replica; your exact words.
American Heritage
Characterized by, requiring, or capable of accuracy of detail; very accurate; methodical; correct.
An exact science.
Webster's New World
Not deviating in form or content; without variation; precise.
An exact replica.
Webster's New World
Being the very (one specified or understood)
The exact spot where I put it.
Webster's New World
Strict; severe; rigorous.
An exact disciplinarian.
Webster's New World
exacted, exacts
To force payment of; extort.
Webster's New World
To demand and get by authority or force; insist on.
Webster's New World
To inflict (vengeance or punishment, for example).
American Heritage
To call for; make necessary; require.
Webster's New World
Origin of Exact
From Old French, from Medieval Latin exactare, reg., from Latin exactus, perfect passive participle of exigō (“demand, claim as due" or "measure by a standard, weigh, test”), from ex (“out”) + agō (“drive”).
From Wiktionary
Latin exāctus past participle of exigere to weigh out, demand ex- ex- agere to weigh ag- in Indo-European roots
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
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