On the pretext 01 consolidating that republic, he invited 450 of its leading men tc come to Lyons to a consulta.
Towards the end of the 18th century scientific studies began tc receive attention in Peru.
For example, the ideographs signifying rice or metal or water in Chinese were used tc convey the same ideas in Japanese.
Each ideograph thus came tc have two sounds, one Japanese, the other Chinesee.g.
To this day the spoken language of Japanese women is appreciably simpler and softer than that of the men, and to this day while the educated woman uses the hiragana syllabary in writing, eschews Chinese sords and rarel pens an ideograph, the educated man employs the ideograp entirely, and translates his thoughts as far as possible into thi mispronounced Chinese words without recourse -to which it would be impossible for him to discuss any scientific subject, or even tc refer to the details of his daily business.