It is occupied by the branches and offshoots of the mountain ranges which separate it from the great plain to the north, and send down their lateral ridges close to the water's edge, leaving only in places a few square miles of level plains at the mouths of the rivers and openings of the valleys.
From the water-divide which separates the most eastern affluent of the Brahmaputra, eastwards to the deep gorges which enclose the most westerly branch of the upper Yang-tsze-kiang (here running from north to south), is a short space of loo m.; and within that space two mighty rivers, the Salween and the Mekong, send down their torrents to Burma and Siam.
The amir Mahommed Ibn Rashid used to send down about one hundred young horses yearly.
Its glaciers send down a thousand rills which combine to form the Pangani river.
On the gth of March General Gordon proposed, if the immediate evacuation of Khartum is determined upon irrespective of outlying towns, to send down.