Commit Definition
commits, committed, committing
commits, committed, committing
To make a pledge or promise.
Webster's New World
To give in charge or trust; deliver for safekeeping; entrust; consign.
We commit his fame to posterity.
Webster's New World
To do or perpetrate (an offense or crime)
Webster's New World
To put officially in custody or confinement.
Committed to prison.
Webster's New World
To consign for future use or for preservation.
We must commit the necessary funds for the project.
American Heritage
(computing) The act of committing (e.g. a database transaction or source code into a source control repository), making it a permanent change.
commit to memory
- to learn by heart; memorize
Webster's New World
commit to paper
- to write down; record
Webster's New World
Idioms, Phrasal Verbs Related to Commit
- commit to memory
- commit to paper
Origin of Commit
From Latin committere (“to bring together, join, compare, commit (a wrong), incur, give in charge, etc.”), from com (“together”) + mittere (“to send”). See mission.
From Wiktionary
Middle English committen from Latin committere com- com- mittere to send
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
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