They were condemned and put to death.
After having preached the gospel in Wiirzburg, the whole party were put to death by the orders of an unjust judge named Gozbert.
It is of course quite possible that isolated cases of officers being put to death for their faith occurred during Maximinian's reign, and on some such cases the legend may have grown up during the century and a half between Maximinian and Eucherius.
In 790 the banished !Ethelred returned to the throne and drove out Osred, whom he put to death in 792. !Ethelred, who had married iElflaed the daughter of Offa, also killed Olf and Olfwine, the sons of Olfwald and was murdered himself at Corbridge in 796.
Not satisfied with procuring this, Alexander had Parmenio himself, who had been left in command in Media, put to death by secret orders.