The movement was especially strong in the diocese of Liege, and when Julienne, prioress of Mont-Cornillon near Liege (1222-1258), had a vision in which the need for the establishment of a festival in honour of the Sacrament was revealed to her, the matter was taken up with enthusiasm by the clergy, and in 1246 Robert de Torote, bishop of Liege, instituted such a festival for his diocese.
In 1317 the prioress obtained a Saturday market and a three days' fair at the feast of St Melor (Meliorus).
She was prioress (1872-1881) of the Stone convent in Staffordshire, where she died on the 29th of April 1894.
Then she had three years of rest, as prioress of her old convent of the Incarnation.
His niece, who became the prioress, was later to become St Werburgh.