Moreover, he had brought from Europe a new manner, full of the affections of ardent youth, and this he wore without ease in a society highly satisfied with itself; the young knight-errant was therefore subjected to considerable ridicule.
The great men of his time - Conde, Turenne, the marechal de Grammont, the knight-errant duc de Guise - were his fervent admirers.
The zeal of Ignatius (c. 115), who begs the Roman Church to do nothing to avert from him the martyr's death, was natural enough in a spiritual knight-errant, but with others in later days, especially in Phrygia and North Africa, the passion became artificial.
Similar plans were tried unsuccessfully in Ulster, first by a son of Sir Thomas Smith, afterwards by Walter Devereux, earl of Essex, a knight-errant rather than a statesman, who was guilty of many bloody deeds.
Two days later Parnell called the prime minister a " masquerading knight-errant," ready to oppress the unarmed, but submissive to the Boers as soon as he found " that they were able to shoot straighter than his own soldiers."