The drawn or etiolated condition of over-shaded plants is a case in point, though here again the soft, watery plant often really succumbs to other disease agentse.g.
The hard, indigestible seed swallowed by the guacharo are found in quantities on the floor and the ledges of the caverns it frequents, where many of them for a time vegetate, the plants thus growing being etiolated from want of light, and, according to travellers, forming a singular feature of the gloomy scene which these places present.
Basketball players often grow into their length, tend to look slightly etiolated in their youth, green and lately sprung.
The atmosphere is a cause of disease in the neighborhood of chemical works, large towns, volcanoes, &c., in so far as it carrie, acid gases and poisons to the leaves and roots; but it is usual tc associate with it the action of excessive humidity which brings about those tender watery and more or less etiolated condition, which favor parasitic Fungi, and diminish transpiration and therefore nutrition.