Etiolate Definition
etiolated, etiolates, etiolating
To cause (a plant) to develop without chlorophyll by preventing exposure to sunlight.
American Heritage
To cause to be pale and unhealthy.
Webster's New World
To deprive of strength; weaken.
Webster's New World
To blanch or bleach by depriving of sunlight.
Webster's New World
To make weak by stunting the growth or development of.
American Heritage
Origin of Etiolate
French étioler from Norman French étieuler to grow into haulm from éteule stalk from Old French esteule from Vulgar Latin stupula from Latin stipula
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
French étioler, from Norman French étieuler, ultimately from Old French estuble (“stubble”), from Latin stupla, from stipula (“straw, stubble”) (English stubble).
From Wiktionary
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