The chemical formula shows all the elements and compounds involved in the reaction.
Like Berthelot, he writes the chemical equation of the reaction, but in addition he considers the chemical formula of each substance to express not only its material composition, but also the (unknown) value of its intrinsic energy.
The chemical formula CuFeS 2 corresponds with the percentage composition Cu = 34' 5, Fe = 30' 5, S =35.0.
That chamber is then flooded with hydrogen and hydrocarbon gases at a precise combination of temperature, pressure, and chemical formula that will induce a unique "rain" of carbon to fall onto the chip.
If some of the anions, instead of being simple iodine ions represented chemically by the symbol I, are complex structures formed by the union of iodine with unaltered cadmium iodide - structures represented by some such chemical formula as I(CdI 2), the concentration of the solution round the anode would be increased by the passage of an electric current, and the phenomena observed would be explained.