Zirconium hydroxide, Zr(OH) 4, as thus obtained, is quite appreciably soluble in water and easily in mineral acids, with formation of zirconium salts, e.g.
The anhydrous oxide is with difficulty soluble even in hydrofluoric acid; but a mixture of two parts of concentrated sulphuric acid and one of water dissolves it on continued heating as the sulphate, Zr(S04)2.
The sulphate, Zr(S04)2, is a white mass obtained by dissolving the oxide or hydroxide in sulphuric acid, evaporating and heating the mass to nearly a red heat.
The hair-splitting distinction of the Byzantine doctors between veneration due to images (zr poo and the adoration (irpo s,do' vns XarpEvrtK)) due to God alone, was dropped, and the utility of pictures for the illiterate emphasized.
This provides a much more sporting character and in some ways is surprising that it has not also percolated into at least the ZR.