You Don't Look At The Mantelpiece When You're Poking The Fire Definition
A woman 's facial attractiveness is irrelevant when considering her as a sexual partner .
You Don't Look At The Mantelpiece When You're Poking The Fire Is Also Mentioned In
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Words Near You Don't Look At The Mantelpiece When You're Poking The Fire in the Dictionary
- you do you
- you don't dip your pen in company ink
- you don't get something for nothing
- you'd better believe it
- you-d
- you-d-complain-if-you-were-hung-with-a-new-rope
- you-d-ve
- you-dn-t-ve
- you-don-t-look-at-the-mantelpiece-when-you-re-poking-the-fire
- you-don-t-say
- you-gals
- you-get-that