In the meantime Darer had added a few to the number of his line-engravings and had completed the two woodcut series of the Great Passion, begun about 1498-1499, and the Life of the Virgin.
The plant is mentioned under the name Papus orbiculatus in the first edition of the Catalogus of the same author, published in 1596, and again in the second edition, which was dedicated to Sir Walter Raleigh (1599) It is, however, in the Herbal that we find the first description of the potato, accompanied by a woodcut sufficiently correct to leave no doubt whatever as to the identity of the plant.
They are illustrated by occasional woodcuts, clearly taken from stock, and decorated by a wide variety of woodcut initials.
Among several other indicia this may be recognized by the woodcut of the " sea eagle " at page II, bearing at its base the inscription " Wycliffe, 1791," and by the additional misprint on page 145 of Sahaeniclus for Sahaeniclus.
Agricola, in his treatise Vom Bergwerck (pp. xxix.-xxxi., Basel, 1 557), gives an account, accompanied by a woodcut, of their employment in searching for mineral veins.