A charge of compressed wet guncotton may be exploded, even under water, by the detonation of a small primer of the dry and waterproofed material, which in turn can be started by a small fulminate detonator.
The best results, however, are obtained by taking a wax cast from the elastic mould, and then from this a plaster mould, which may be waterproofed with wax, black-leaded, and used as cathode.
Go for hiking boots that are either waterproof or capable of being waterproofed with a product like Sno-Seal.
Cowboy boots are known for their rough-and-tough style, and they also can be easily waterproofed before you wear them.
To achieve waterproofed footwear most easily, you can choose the style you like in a natural leather or fabric, and then have them treated to repel water as well as soil.