The residue is removed to a calico filter and thoroughly washed with boiling water, the wash water being reboiled and used time after time.
Serious leakage at once began between c and b and washed out the clay, particle by particle, but did not wash out the sand associated with it, which remained rench.
Once bound the resin was washed with a minimum of 15 mls binding buffer followed by a minimum of 20 mls wash buffer.
We recommend that wheels are washed using a microfibre wash mitt and a gentle shampoo in conjunction with the two bucket method.
Thou hast washed in these running waters wherein dogs and swine have been cast night and day and hast cleansed and wiped the outside skin which also the harlots and flutegirls anoint and wash and wipe and beautify for the lust of men; but within they are full of scorpions and all wickedness.