Literary men owed him also much; not only did he throw his famous library open to them, but he pensioned all their leaders, including Descartes, Vincent Voiture (1598-1648), Jean Louis Guez de Balzac (1597-1654) and Pierre Corneille.
In fact, he introduced into Poland the easy French manner of such writers as Voiture.
We pass the witty epistles of Scarron and Voiture, to reach those of Boileau, whose epistles, twelve in number, are the classic examples of this form of verse in French literature; they were composed at different dates between 1668 and 1695.
It can also mean 'used' or 'secondhand' as in voiture d'occasion - a used car.
For example, the set of pictures may introduce specific nouns like, la voiture, le vélo, etc. In the next set of frames the goal may be to introduce prepositions by connecting the words that have been learned so far.