Vitriol Definition
vĭtrē-ōl, -əl
vitrioled, vitrioling, vitriol, vitriols
Any of several sulfates of metals, as copper sulfate (blue vitriol), iron sulfate (green vitriol), or zinc sulfate (white vitriol)
Webster's New World
Webster's New World
Sharpness or bitterness of feeling, as in speech or writing; venom.
Webster's New World
To treat with or as with vitriol.
Webster's New World
Origin of Vitriol
Middle English from Old French from Medieval Latin vitriolum from Late Latin vitreolum neuter of vitreolus of glass from Latin vitreus vitreous
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
From Latin vitriolum (“sulphuric acid"), from Latin vitrum (“glass").
From Wiktionary
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