A few months later Thomas Cranmer, who had been one of those to discuss sympathetically Luther's works in the little circle at Cambridge, and who believed the royal supremacy would tend to the remedying of grave abuses and that the pope had acted ultra vires in issuing a dispensation for the king's marriage with Catherine, was induced by Henry to succeed Warham as archbishop of Canterbury.
I am therefore of opinion that the adjudicator made an intra vires error rather than one which rendered his decision ultra vires.
An award may, however, be set aside where the arbitrator has misconducted himself (an arbitrator may also be removed by the court on the ground of misconduct), or where it is ultra vires, or lacks any of the other requisites - above mentioned - of a valid award, or where the arbitrator has been wilfully deceived by one of the parties, or some such state of things exists.
The 1994 amendments resulting from the European directives conflicted with the primary legislation and were therefore ultra vires, null and void.
However studentsâ unions are campaigning less and less on international issues, passing them off as Ultra Vires or not their role.