Vaulting-school Definition
Alternative spelling of vaulting school.
1691, Richard Ames, The folly of love, or, An essay upon satyr against woman.
And some young Cracks, who waiting never fail,
Commence Grave Bauds and keep a Vaulting School,
Where Callow Youths their Health and Mony fool.
1707, Thomas Brown, "Moll Quarles's Answer to Mother Creswell of Famous Memory" in The Second Volume of the Works of Mr. Tho. Brown, containing Letters from the Dead to the Living both Serious and Comical, part three, page 184.
At leaſt five Hundred of theſe reforming Vultures are daily plundering our Pockets, and ranſacking our Houſes, leaving me ſometimes not one pair of Tractable Buttocks in my Vaulting-School to provide for my Family, or earn me ſo much as a Pudding for my next Sundays Dinner : [...]
2003, M. S. Morton and M. Morton, The Lover's Tongue: A Merry Romp Through the Language of Love and Sex, Insomniac Press, ISBN 9781894663519, p. 221.
In the late sixteenth century, the word nunnery also came to mean brothel. . . . Around the same time, the synonymous leaping-house also emerged, which anticipated the eighteenth-century terms vaulting-school and pushing-school, all implying vigorous acts of sex.
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