When the vascular tissue of such plants is arranged Camblum in separate bundles these are said to be closed.
Thus the structure of an old thickened root approximates to that of an old thickened stem, and so far as the vascular tissue is concerned can often only be distinguished from the latter by the position and orientation of the primary xylems. The cambium of the primary root, together with the tissues which it forms, is always directly continuous with that of the primary stem, just in the same way as the tissues of the primary stele.
Auxins control a number of developmental processes in plants, including cell elongation, the formation of vascular tissue and meristem organization.
Phloem The plant tissue that transports soluble food and minerals around a plant body (if the plant has vascular tissue ).
A child may also develop extra vascular tissue with a deeper hemangioma which could cause platelet problems or anemia.