Amber has indeed a very wide distribution, extending over a large part of northern Europe and occurring as far east as the Urals.
Only in the Urals, the Caucasus, the Timan Mountains, the region of the Donets coalfield, and the Kielce Hills is there any sign of the great folding from which nearly the whole of the rest of Europe has suffered at one time or another.
The Finland rappa-kivi, the Serdobol gneiss, and the Pargas and Rustiala marble (with the so-called Eozoon canadense) yield good building stone; while iron, copper and zinc-ore are common in Finland and in the Urals.
Europe, represented in Poland and in the Urals, is missing in N.W.
Russia has three large coalbearing regions - the Moscow basin, the Donets region and the Urals.