In 1717 this part of Marlboro, with other lands, was erected into the township of Westboro, to which parts of Sutton (1728),(1728), Shrewsbury (1762 and 1793) and Upton (1763) were subsequently annexed, and from which Northboro was separated in 1766.
It is divided into four wards - Church Street, Stratford-Langthorne, Plaistow and Upton.
Mrs Elizabeth Fry lived in a house in Upton Lane, on the confines of her brother's park.
The African Arabs under Selim Pasha in 1551 ravaged Gozo, after an unsuccessful attempt on Malta, repulsed by cavalry under Upton, an English knight.
Meanwhile he set about building for himself at Upton a house which was to be the embodiment of all his principles of decorative art.