The first community established by him was at Tabennae, an island of the Nile in Upper Egypt.
The barrage at the head of the Nile delta, and the regulating sluices across the Nile at Assiut and Esna in Upper Egypt below Assuan, are examples of draw-door weirs, with their numerous openings closed by sluice-gates sliding on free rollers, which control the discharge of water from the river for irrigation.
The preservative climate of Upper Egypt and the belief of the Egyptians in life after death must be the causes which led them to take unusual care for preserving the bodies of their dead.
The Church Missionary Society is doing steady work in Cairo and in Upper Egypt.
Accused of conspiring against her husband, who perhaps already contemplated marriage with his sister, also named Arsinoe, she was banished to Coptos, in Upper Egypt.