Kaerst and Beloch continue to give the ordinary chronology untroubled.
He believes that he is once more with Briinnhilde on the Valkyries' mountain height; and the harmonies of her awakening move in untroubled splendour till the light of life fades with the light of day and the slain hero is carried to the Gibichung's hall through the moonlit mists, while the music of love and death tells in terrible triumph more of his story than he ever knew.
He was of a sanguine-choleric temperament, and when untroubled and unvexed a bright and cheerful gentleman, easy to get on with, and however many people happened to be in the same room with him, he was never at a loss for an answer to every one of them."
It was untroubled by rebellion or by foreign invasions, so that the king won the honorable title of Rex Pacificus.
I am as free as a whispering breeze, and untroubled as a young child at play.