Upon the sea of the world unfolds the lotus of the New Day, And there the Mother sits enshrined, in blissful majesty.
Glam wigs, flares, leopard skins, feather bowers and hot pants fill the stage as the glitz production unfolds.
The sofa bed easily unfolds to present a comfortable spring interior, tufted mattress.
This determination closes the first chapter of his life; the second, from 1304 to 1314, is occupied by his contest for the kingdom, which was really won at Bannockburn, though disputed until the treaty of Northampton in 1328; the last, from 1314 to his death in 1329, was the period of the establishment of his government and dynasty by an administration as skilful as his generalship. It is to the second of these that historians, attracted by its brilliancy even amongst the many romances of history and its importance to Scottish history, have directed most of their attention, and it is during it that his personal character, tried by adversity and prosperity, gradually unfolds itself.
The remainder of the movie then unfolds backward a'la SCHRAMM or MEMENTO, retracing the events that led to this hellish inferno of violence.