He occasionally visited his family, and their unfailing confidence helped to keep up his courage.
Howe's eloquence, and still more his unfailing wit and high spirits, made him for many years the idol of his province.
He was a man of strong character and self-control, unfailing courtesy and unswerving devotion to what he considered the best interests of the nation.
A study of his works reveals an unusual combination of skill and originality in the mathematical treatment of many of the most difficult problems of astronomy, an unfailing patience and sagacity in dealing with immense masses of numerical results, and a talent for observation of the highest order.
Sir Gore Ouseley returned to England in 1814, in which year Mr Ellis, assisted by Mr Morierwhose Hajji Baba is the unfailing proof of his ability and deep knowledge of Persian character negotiated on the part of Great Britain the Treaty of Teheran.