In 1866 he published Une troupe de comediens, and afterwards Essai sur la restauration de nos monuments historiques devant fart et devant le budget, which deals particularly with the restoration of the cathedral of Evreux.
At San Juan the average annual rainfall is about 55 in.; nearly two-thirds of this falls from J une to November inclusive.
He spoke with the utmost calm of his approaching death; "c'est une derniere fonction," he said, "qui n'est ni penible ni desagreable."
Thus he accepts the shallow dictum of Condillac that toute science se reduit d une langue bien faite.
His joint memoirs with Brongniart, Essai sur la geographie des environs de Paris avec une carte geognostique et des coupes de terrain (1808) and Description geologique des environs de Paris (1835) were based on the wonderful succession of Tertiary faunas in the rocks of the Paris basin.