The religion is an undisguised animism, and all their frequent and elaborate ceremonies and festivals are aimed at exorcising and scaring spirits.
At length driven to undisguised violence, he sent in his grenadiers, who turned out the deputies.
But ever since the coup fiasco, the CIA and the State Department have viewed him with undisguised contempt.
Did Lloyd George not hold an undisguised admiration for Hitler, even remarking in private that Hitler was a ' great man '?
He greeted the treaty of San Stefano (3rd March 1878) with undisguised relief, and by the mouth of the king, congratulated Italy (7th March 1878) on having maintained with the powers friendly and cordial relations free from suspicious precautions, and upon having secured for herself that most precious of alliances, the alliance of the future a phrase of which the empty rhetoric was to be bitterly demonstrated by the Berlin Congress and the French occupation of Tunisia.