Income from currently occupied and uncontested hexes containing rubium mines is then collected.
If the spouses have no children from the marriage and agree on the important terms in the New York divorce case, such as property division and alimony, then the court will grant an uncontested divorce.
When at last the question arose of giving the Christian world a new pope, this time sole and uncontested, Pierre d'Ailly defended the right of the cardinals, if not to keep the election entirely in their own hands, at any rate to share in the election, and he brought forward an ingenious system for reconciling the pretensions of the council with the rights of the Sacred College.
In all martial and chivalrous accomplishments he was already an adept; and when, a year later, he succeeded to supreme power, his superior ability was as uncontested as it was incontestable.
This document produces the Affidavit you need when you are seeking an uncontested divorce on the grounds of behavior.