Acting upon that theory, the experts of TokyO and Nagoya have produced many very beautiful specimens of monochrome enamelyellow (canary or straw), rose du Barry, liquid-dawn, red, aubergine purple, green (grass or leaf), dove-grey and lapis lazuli bl,ue.
If there are m of these strips, and if the breadth of each is h, so that H =mh, it is convenient to write x in the form xo+Oh, and to denote it by x 0, the corresponding value of u being ue.
Starting from any ordinate ue,o, the result of integrating with regard to x through a distance 2h is (in the example considered in § 61) the same as the result of the operation 3h(I + 4E + E 2), where E r denotes the operation of changing x into x+h (see Differences, Calculus oF).
Attempts were made to officially brand the union as a " subversive organization " and to deport UE leader James Matles.
One of the most highly-recommended companies is UE Sports, which works with players ranging from individual hobbyists to college-level teams.