This monkey is a leaf-eater, nearly allied to the langurs, as typified by the sacred ape of India.
The Perissodactyla may be divided into the four following sections, namely the extinct Titanotheroidea, the Hippoidea, represented by the horse tribe and their ancestors, the Tapiroidea, typified by the tapirs, and the Rhinocerotoidea, which includes the modern rhinoceroses and their forerunners.
The groups typified by these three genera are sometimes referred to, collectively, as the Retioloidea, and the structure as retioloid.
Of the Old World forms, the family Triconodontidae is typified by the genus Triconodon, from the English Purbeck, in which the cheek-teeth carry three cutting cusps arranged longitudinally.
The other ideal, typified by the South Australian party, differs from this in one important respect.