The navy, many of the officers of which are Danes and Norwegians, comprises a steel twin-screw cruiser of 2500 tons which serves as the royal yacht, four steel gunboats of between 500 and 700 tons all armed with modern quick-firing guns, two torpedo-boat destroyers and three torpedo boats, with other craft for river and coast work.
There were twin screw propellers, which could be adjusted to different angles in practice, to provide for steering, and made 1700 revolutions a minute.
The second GOOD HOPE is an 18-gun twin-screw cruiser, launched at Fairfield in 1901.
A view showing the 1898 class twin-screw gunboat ' Sultan ' moored at Wad Hamid.
At K Battenfeld is showing machines with both planetary and twin screw extruders as the metering stage.