Multiplying through by w we obtain Tw = 2FwD = 2µWwD = RV (4) This is a fundamental energy equation for any form of locomotive in which there is only one driving-axle.
If there are several driving-axles in a train, the product Tw must be estimated for each separately; then the sum of the products will be equal to RV.
The power of a motor is measured by the rate at which it works, and this is expressed by Tw =T 60N in foot-pounds per second.
In ordinary texts some survive, especially as objects of verbs, namely, wL, tw, tn, 1w, at.
De Officiis (Ilepi TW V '040cxicov), a sketch, written in an unattractive style, of court and higher ecclesiastical dignities and of the ceremonies proper to different occasions.