Alex had already set aside a trust fund for both Jonathan and Destiny, and Carmen was listed as an equal partner in everything.
It has something to do with a trust fund.
Only a handful of people in the club were above college-aged, and it was in the wrong side of town for the trust-fund kids from Beverly Hills to stop in.
The land, buildings and equipment of the college, which cost over $2,500,000, were presented by Sir William Macdonald, who in addition has provided for the future maintenance of the work by a trust fund of over $2,000,000.
In 1682 the assembly of West Jersey gave toBurlington "Matinicunk Island," above the town, "for the maintaining of a school for the education of youth"; re venues from a part of the island are still used for the support of the public schools, and the trust fund is one of the oldest for educational purposes in the United States.