As this MS. contains transcriptional errors, and as its archetype had perhaps a Greek basis, the Recognitions may be dated c. 350-3751 (its Christology suggested to Rufinus an Arianism like that of Eunomius of Cyzicus, c. 362), and the Homilies prior even to 350.
This Notch fragment is translocated to the nucleus where it interacts with DNA-binding proteins, and together they act as transcriptional activators.
We unexpectedly demonstrate that all these genes play key roles in regulating Pol II transcriptional elongation and termination [44, 45] .
Main current research is on the transcriptional control of lipid metabolism in farmed fish species, funded by the EU.
The achaete-scute genes encode transcriptional regulators bearing a bHLH motif whose expression endows cells with neural potential.