The cura tori or curatoli (factors) receive 40 a year, with a slight interest in the profits; the stockmen hardly earn in money and kind 13; the muleteers and underworkmen get between 5 to 8, plus firewood, bread and oil; irregular workmen have even lower wages, with a daily distribution of bread, salt and oil.
The bronze image of the same divinity at Horyu-ji, said to have been cast at the beginning of the 7th century by Tori Busshi, the grandson of a Chinese immigrant, is of good technical quality, but much inferior in design to the former.
People I know who dislike Tori feel that she's too caustic, too edgy.
It soon transpires Tori is not the only victim from the club.
Each natural substance is a compound (ov6Erov, vuvNTn ouvia) of essence and matter; its essence (Ethos, i top01 7, Tò TL krL, TOri i i' Etva6) being its actual substance, its matter (An) not; its essence being determinate, its matter not; its essence being immateriate, its matter conjoined with the essence; its essence being one in all individuals of a species, its matter different in each individual; its essence being cause of uniformity, its matter cause of accident.