On both sides of the passage were numerous statues, among them that of Athena Hygeia, set up by Pericles to commemorate the recovery of a favourite slave who was injured during the building of the Parthenon, a colossal bronze image of the wooden horse of Troy, and Myron's group of Marsyas with Athena throwing away her flute.
Tertullian (c. 160-240) uses it in both senses, of an oath, as in the passage of his treatise About Spectacles, where he says that no Christian " passes over to the enemy's camp without throwing away his arms, without abandoning the standards and sacraments of his chief."
Put an end to receiving junk mail, which you'll probably end up throwing away.
That seems to me to be morally preferable than throwing away embryos that you can't use in an IVF program.
Derek was struggling to assemble the desk, so he deeply regretted throwing away the instructions.