He'd already broken promises of finding his lifemate by his thirtieth, his thirty-first, his thirty-second birthdays.
In 1870 the value of lumber products was $1,307,585, and the Territory ranked thirty-first among the states and territories in this industry, and in 1880 the value of the product was $ 1, 734,74 2; by 1905 the value had increased to $49,572,512, and Washington now ranked first.
The "free soilers," however, succeeded in sending to the thirty-first Congress two senators and fourteen representatives, who by their ability exercised an influence out of proportion to their number.
Meanwhile the publication of the Scriptores proper continues, although the thirty-first and subsequent volumes are in quarto and not in folio, and the number of volumes in the whole undertaking is continually being increased.
Of these the most important is the great official edition of Frederick's political correspondence (Berlin, 1879), of which the thirty-first vol.