Experiments made by a person who possesses a good memory seem to show that the thing is very possible, especially if Darnley revised Crawford's notes.
All categorical judgment is an unconditional belief in the fact, signified by the copula, that a thing of some sort is (or is not) determined; but some categorical judgments are also beliefs that the thing is an existing thing, signified either by the subject or by the predicate, while others are not beliefs that the thing exists at all, but are only beliefs in something conceivable, or nameable, or in something or other, without particularizing what.
It is better to say what the thing is.
By virtue of the passive principle the thing is susceptible of motion and modification; it is matter which determines substance (obvia).
Only here, instead of assuming something immaterial (and therefore unverifiable), we fall back upon a current of air or gas (irv€Uµa); the essential reason of the thing is itself material, standing to it in the relation of a gaseous to a solid body.