His doctrinal position is explained in his letters to his patron Eusebius, bishop of the imperial city of Nicomedia, and to Alexander of Alexandria, and in the fragments of the poem in which he set forth his dogmas, which bears the enigmatic title of " Thalia " (06XECa), used in Homer, in the sense of " a goodly banquet," most unjustly ridiculed by Athanasius as an imitation of the licentious style of the drinking-songs of the Egyptian Sotades (270 B.C.).
Although Schiller failed to win an established position in Mannheim, he added to his literary reputation by his address on Die Schaubiihne als eine moralische Anstalt betrachtet (1784), and by the publication of the beginning of Don Carlos (in blank verse) in his journal, Die rheinische Thalia (1785).
The Rheinische Thalia was continued as the Thalia (1786-1791; in 1792, again renamed Die neue Thalia), and in this journal he published most of his writings at this time.
Thalia - T. dealbata is one of the most stately of water-side plants.
Novela del Mar refers to a trilogy of telenovelas featuring the popular Thalia, the Latin American singing sensation and press dubbed 'Queen of the Telenovela.'