Terminate Definition
terminated, terminates, terminating
terminated, terminates, terminating
To put an end to; stop; cease.
Webster's New World
To bring to an end in space or time; form the end or conclusion of; limit, bound, finish, or conclude.
Webster's New World
To have its end (in something)
A road terminating in woods.
Webster's New World
To come to an end in space or time; stop; end.
Webster's New World
To dismiss from employment; fire.
Webster's New World
Having a definite and clear limit or boundary; having a determinate size, shape or magnitude.
Mountains on the Moon cast shadows that are very dark, terminate and more distinct than those cast by mountains on the Earth.
(mathematics) Expressible in a finite number of terms; (of a decimal) not recurring or infinite.
One third is a recurring decimal, but one half is a terminate decimal.
Origin of Terminate
From Latin terminatus, past participle of terminare (“to set bounds to, bound, limit, end, close, terminate"), from terminus (“a bound, limit, end"); see term, terminus. Compare termine.
From Wiktionary
Latin termināre termināt- from terminus end
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
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