Tame Definition
tamed, tamer, tames, tamest, taming
tamer, tamest
Changed from a wild to a domesticated state: said as of animals trained for use by humans or as pets.
Webster's New World
Naturally unafraid; not timid.
American Heritage
Like a domesticated animal in nature; gentle and easy to control; docile.
Webster's New World
Crushed by or as by domestication; submissive; servile.
Webster's New World
Without spirit or force; dull.
A tame boxing match.
Webster's New World
tamed, tames, taming
To make tame, or domestic.
Webster's New World
To become tame.
Webster's New World
To overcome the wildness or fierceness of; make gentle, docile, obedient, or spiritless; subdue.
Webster's New World
To subdue or curb.
Tamed his explosive anger.
American Heritage
To make less intense; soften; dull.
Webster's New World
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