The reservoir at Yodobashi is capable of supplying water (from the river Tama) to all parts at a pressure varying from 80 to too ft.
The Indians, a remnant of the Sauk and Foxes, are most unprogressive, and are settled on a reservation in Tama county in the eastcentral section of the state.
Among the principal buildings are the county court house, the free public library, the Tama building, the GermanAmerican savings bank building and the post office.
Tama plastic slats are especially designed to match the bird's foot.
In Ptolemaic times the artaba (2336.), modified from the Persian, was general in Egypt, a working equivalent to the Attic metretes -- value 2 apet or 1/2 tama; medimnus=tama or 2 artabas, and fractions down to 1/400 artaba (35).