It corresponds roughly with the district formerly known as Taka.
The falcon (taka), always an honored bird in Japan, where from time immemorial hawking has been an aristocratic pastime, is common enough, and so is the sparrow-hawk (/lai-taka), but the eagle (washi) affects solitude.
In 1840 - previous attempts having been unsuccessful - the fertile district of Taka, watered by the Atbara and Gash and near the Abyssinian frontier, was conquered and the town of 2 For a list of the governors-general see The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, i.
They may not even have two taka (2p) to buy kerosene to cook their rice.
Farida (right) worked in a garment factory in Dhaka as a machine operator earning 2,700 taka (£ 22) per month.