As H regards the effec t s FIG.
If the bubble is in the form of a sphere of radius r this material surface will have an area S = 41rr 2 (I) If T be the energy corresponding to unit of area of the film the surface-energy of the whole bubble will be ST = 41rr 2 T (2) The increment of this energy corresponding to an increase of the radius from r to r-+dr is therefore TdS = 81rrTdr (3) Now this increase of energy was obtained by forcing in air at a pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure, and thus increasing the volume of the bubble.
I'll not bate ye a pin on ' t, sir; for, by this cudgel, tis true.
Last year's winner of the T S Eliot Prize was Carol Ann Duffy, for her collection rapture (2005 ).
Last year 's winner of the T S Eliot Prize was Carol Ann Duffy, for her collection Rapture (2005).