Syd is staggering slightly as he makes for a nearby plastic chair but curiously, thereâs a sparkle in his eye.
Things finally came to a head after a few TV interviews of the band where Syd showed no reaction to questions and failing to turn up or seemingly unable to perform at several venues of the band's European and US tours.
In more modern times appeared Tidsskrift for Litteratur og Kritik (1832-1842, 1843); Maanedsskrift for Litteratur (1829-1838); Nord og Syd (1848-1849) of Goldschmidt, succeeded by Ude og Hjemme, and the Dansk Maanedsskrift (1858) of Steenstrup, with signed historical and literary articles.
Syd would then ask " What would you do, chums?
Syd Segal has taken simple gaffs, yet squeezes every ounce of magical juice out of them for your spectator's amazement.