In the eastern portion of the Coastal Plain Region are the cotton rat, rice-field rat, marsh rabbit, big-eared bat, brown pelican, swallow-tailed kite, black vulture and some rattlesnakes and cotton-mouth moccasin snakes, all of which are common farther south; and there are some turtles and terrapins, and many geese, swans, ducks, and other water-fowl.
It is the home of the southern fox-squirrel, Cotton rat, ricefield rat, wood rat, free-tailed bat, mocking bird, painted bunting, prothonotary warbler, red-cockaded woodpecker, chuckwills-widow, and the swallow-tailed and Mississippi kites.
White-eared Solitaires were once again in evidence and several swallow-tailed kites wheeled gracefully over the clearing.
Closer to the water, on rocks at the bottom of the cliffs, immaculate Swallow-tailed Gulls could be seen perched.
We walked to the lookout point opposite our huts were we saw several swallow-tailed kites.