In 1892-1893 text-books and supplies were first furnished free to pupils in the grades; and in the same year supervisory work was introduced.
On his return he became a supervisory foreman at the King's Cross Goods Yard.
An elaborate organization is required to keep a complete check and record of all the goods entering and leaving the station, to ensure that they are loaded into the proper wagons according to their destination, that they are unloaded and sorted in such a way that they can be delivered to their consignees with the least possible delay, that they are not stolen or accidentally mislaid, &c.; and accommodation must be provided for a large clerical and supervisory staff to attend to these matters.
A self-starter with previous supervisory experience you will also be able to demonstrate proven project management skills.
Blog programs can include web-based programs like Blogger or LiveJournal, but they are not designed for educational purposes, nor do they offer the supervisory features you'll want in place for elementary students.