Perles' essays are rich in suggestiveness, and have been the starting-point of much fruitful research.
Details like carefully placed appliques, slightly sheer material and lace trim can all contribute just the right amount of suggestiveness without being too in-your-face sexy.
When we allow for his excessive use of the allegorical method, there is still left a great deal of power and suggestiveness.
He showed his versatility in landscape, as in his "Whins in Bloom," which combined great breadth with fine detail; in flower-pieces, such as his "Roses," which were brilliant in rapid suggestiveness and force; but most of all in his portraits, which are marked by great individuality, and by fine insight into character.
But much more it belongs to his transformation of the epistemological problem, and to the suggestiveness of his philosophy as a whole for an advance in the direction of a speculative construction which should be able to cancel all Kant's surds, and in particular vindicate a " ground of the unity of the supersensible which lies back of nature with that which the concept of freedom implies in the sphere of practice," I which is what Kant finally asserts.